Summers are busy times at OpenDocLab. No rest for the weary.
We’ve been hard at work on our forthcoming co-creation field study and symposium. The symposium, Collective Wisdom, will be livestreamed on September 21st. Details to follow.
We have a new research assistant, Sam Mendez, and two new fellows this semester, Bjarke Calvin and Kathy Bisbee. Bjarke is CEO and Founder of the Insight Media app Duckling, a collective storytelling app, that he will user test at MIT. Kathy is executive director of Brookline Interactive Group and founder of the first public VR lab in the country. She will explore new storytelling techniques, technologies, and partnerships.
On other fronts, fellow Rashin Fahandej has an immersive audio installation, A Father’s Lullaby at the Boston Center for the Arts Plaza in downtown Boston. She was named BCA ‘s Summer 2018 Public Art Resident. The exhibit is up through October 26th.
Cindy Bishop’s exhibited her digital tools at the AMP Gallery in Provincetown this summer. You can read about it here.
Heidi Boisvert was selected for the American Arts Incubator program, an international creative exchange program developed in partnership with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Fellows and alum have been making the festival rounds. Sandra Rodriguez’s Manic VR exhibited at Sheffield Film Festival and Deniz Tortem’s vr film, Selyatagi (Floodplain) is showcasing at Venice Film Festival.
Other highlights include fellow Andrew Demirjian’s new project release, pan-terrestrial people’s anthem, a series of compositions and a book of poetry created entirely from remixing the songs and lyrics of 195 national anthems.
Professor Sasha Costanza Chock released their new field study, #More Than Code: Practitioners reimagine the landscape of technology for justice and equity and Principle Investigator William Uricchio gave several keynotes and penned an LA Times Book Review, VR: Between Hope, Hype, and Humbug.